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Viktoria Silk: The Multifaceted Musical Prodigy Making Waves in the Industry – JUNE 9 2024

Check out our exclusive interview with Viktoria Silk below!

In an era where the music industry is brimming with talent, Viktoria Silk stands out not just as a singer but as a songwriter and producer. Her journey from a small-town girl with big dreams to an emerging star in the rhythm and blues (R&B) scene is nothing short of inspiring. Through sheer passion and a relentless work ethic, Viktoria has managed to carve out a unique niche for herself, blending various genres to create a sound that is distinctly her own.

Early Beginnings: The Spark of Talent

Viktoria Silk’s musical journey began in her hometown, where she was first introduced to the world of performance. “I was kind of ‘voluntold’ into a talent show,” she recalls with a laugh. “I whipped out the Spice Girls and ended up winning the talent show.” This early success ignited a flame within her, setting her on a path that would see her exploring various musical styles and perfecting her craft.

Her admiration for the Spice Girls, particularly Posh Spice, played a pivotal role during her early years. “I really liked Posh Spice because her name was Victoria. We are both Victorias, and we are the same,” she says, revealing the personal connection that fueled her ambitions.

The Evolution: From EDM to R&B

Viktoria’s musical journey has been marked by constant evolution. Initially drawn to electronic dance music (EDM), she later transitioned to R&B, a genre where she found her true voice. “I went to school for audio engineering, and that’s where I learned about MIDI and production,” she explains. Her academic background provided her with the technical skills needed to produce her own music, but it was her emotional connection to R&B that truly shaped her artistic identity.

“Everything just got more and more lyrical, more song-ish,” she notes. This shift allowed her to incorporate her vocals more prominently, adding a personal touch to her tracks. Viktoria’s ability to adapt and grow as an artist is evident in her latest works, which seamlessly blend electronic elements with soulful R&B melodies.

The Creative Process: A Symphony of Emotions

For Viktoria, songwriting is a deeply personal endeavor. “I write mostly about life experiences, like my own experiences,” she shares. This emotional honesty resonates deeply with her audience, allowing them to connect with her music on a personal level. Viktoria’s lyrics often explore themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, reflecting her own journey through life.

“I have at least 350 different note tabs just of different lyric ideas,” she reveals, highlighting her prolific nature as a songwriter. These notes serve as a repository of emotions, each one waiting to be transformed into a song. Her creative process is fluid, often starting with a simple chord progression or a lyrical idea and evolving into a fully realized track.

Overcoming Challenges: The Fear of Vulnerability

Despite her undeniable talent, Viktoria has faced her share of challenges. One of the most significant hurdles has been overcoming her fear of vulnerability. “I was a little bit afraid of putting my heart out there, in lyrics and even vocally,” she admits. This fear, however, did not deter her. Instead, it pushed her to grow as an artist, allowing her to present a more authentic version of herself through her music.

Viktoria Silk

Her journey towards authenticity is reflected in her performances. “Sometimes the first song, there’s a little bit of the nerves,” she says. “But once I get through that, I can really vibe and put on a good show.” Viktoria’s ability to connect with her audience, both emotionally and energetically, is one of her greatest strengths as a performer.

Collaborations and Future Aspirations

Viktoria is not just focused on her own music; she is also eager to collaborate with other artists and producers. “I love collaborating with artists and producers,” she says. “But a lot of times, I’m very focused on writing my own stuff.” This balance between collaboration and personal creativity allows her to continuously evolve and push the boundaries of her musical style.

Looking ahead, Viktoria has big plans for her career. “I want to be touring and performing, seeing more people vibing and mouthing my lyrics,” she shares. Her aspirations extend beyond just creating music; she wants to share it with the world, connecting with audiences on a global scale.

Latest Works: A Labor of Love

One of Viktoria’s most recent releases, “Display,” exemplifies her growth as an artist. “Display was a huge labor of love,” she says. The track marks a significant milestone in her career, blending various genres to create a unique sound that is both innovative and deeply personal. Additionally, she teases an upcoming release, promising fans more of the music they love.

Her commitment to her craft and her willingness to explore new musical territories make her an artist to watch. As she continues to evolve, Viktoria Silk is poised to make a significant impact on the music industry.

Connecting with Fans: The Importance of Authenticity

For Viktoria, connecting with her fans is paramount. “I want to have a deeper connection with my music and be able to tackle any situation I get put into,” she explains. This desire for authenticity extends to her social media presence, where she engages with her audience and shares updates about her projects. “You can find me on Instagram under Viktoria Silk, all one word,” she says, encouraging fans to follow her journey.

Viktoria Silk

Conclusion: The Rising Star

Viktoria Silk’s story is one of passion, perseverance, and undeniable talent. From her early beginnings in a small town to her current status as an emerging star, she has shown that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. Her unique blend of electronic and R&B influences, combined with her emotional honesty, sets her apart in a crowded industry.

As she continues to grow and evolve, there is no doubt that Viktoria Silk will leave an indelible mark on the music world. Her journey is far from over, and fans can look forward to many more exciting chapters in the story of this multifaceted musical prodigy.

For more updates on Viktoria Silk’s music and upcoming projects, be sure to follow her on Instagram and stay tuned for her latest releases.

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MarleyGee –

Catch our exclusive interview with MarleyGee of Florida below:


Rising Above: A Conversation with MarleyGee

As I sat down with independent recording artist MarleyGee, the air was thick with anticipation. Known for his raw lyrics and emotive delivery, MarleyGee has been asserting his presence in the music industry, one verse at a time.

I first asked Marley about his journey into the world of music. His eyes lit up as he took me back to his formative years. “I’ve been writing and rapping since I was small,” he confessed. Marley discovered music as a way to express his emotions and navigate personal struggles. His inspirations? None other than Lil Wayne and Wiz Khalifa. Their lyrical prowess and unique styles have significantly influenced his own approach to music.

Marley’s journey hasn’t been without its trials. We delved into a time when he made the tough decision to sever ties with a toxic relationship. It was clear that this period of his life had fueled his passion and drive to create music. “I believe in enjoying life and following your dreams,” he emphasized, encouraging listeners to take risks and pursue their passions relentlessly.

As we moved on to discussing his debut music video for the song “Yesterday,” Marley’s face was a mix of excitement and nostalgia. “I was nervous. It was my first video ever,” he admitted. Despite the initial jitters, Marley thrived on the experience, enjoying every moment working with the team, including the videographer, Keso.

Marley gave me a glimpse into his future plans – more songs, more visuals, and a highly anticipated EP. An album titled “Mixed Emotions” is also in the pipeline, set to release in mid-January. “I’m learning and growing with every step in this artistry movement,” he confided.

As our conversation drew to a close, Marley shared his social media handles, ensuring fans could stay connected and updated on his upcoming releases. His passion for music, his dedication to his craft, and his determination to make a mark in the industry was palpable.

MarleyGee is not just a musician; he’s a storyteller, a dreamer, and a relentless pursuer of his passion. His journey is a testament to rising above challenges and transforming personal struggles into lyrical masterpieces. As I left the interview, I was not just impressed by MarleyGee, the artist. I was inspired by MarleyGee, the individual, who continues to use his voice to inspire, heal, and connect with his audience.

Hip Hop Henchmen: Meet Big Yerm

Below you can catch our exclusive interview with Yerm:


Yerm is an independent recording artist who has made a name for himself in the competitive world of hip-hop. He’s a two-time winner of our music review and an artist who seamlessly bridges the gap between the soul of yesteryears and the edgy trap sounds of today.

With a confident smile, Yerm begins to chronicle his musical journey. “My love for hip-hop began at a young age,” he starts, recounting his early influences and the artists who inspired him to start writing his own music. He speaks about his experiences recording music in Afghanistan, the challenges he faced, and the profound impact it had on his songwriting process.

“My music is a reflection of my experiences and my truth,” he explains, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in an industry often criticized for its superficiality. Yerm is not just a rapper; he is a storyteller, weaving his experiences into lyrical narratives that resonate with his listeners.

Yerm’s dedication to his craft is evident in his meticulous approach to creating music. He discusses his process of selecting samples from different eras, combining them into a unique sound that is quintessentially him. “It’s about finding the right balance between lyricism, trap, and soul,” he tells me, his eyes lighting up with passion.


Navigating the music industry is not without its challenges, but Yerm recognizes the importance of marketing and promotion in reaching a wider audience. “You are a walking brand,” he says, emphasizing the importance of artists taking control of their image and their music.

What’s Next for Yerm?

The conversation takes a turn towards Yerm’s future ambitions as he shares his plans for upcoming projects and performances. He talks excitedly about his focus on creating more content and working on visuals, hinting at new music on the horizon.

As we wrap up the interview, I am left with an enduring impression of Yerm – a talented artist who is passionate about his craft, committed to authenticity, and fiercely determined to leave his mark on the world of hip-hop. As he continues his musical odyssey, there is no doubt that Yerm is an artist to watch out for.

See our updated interview interview with Yerm in 2023.

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